I have been using in my coaching, facilitation and training work,the very well known Business Model Canvas from the best selling book Business Model Generation, pretty much since it came out. Off the back of that, I got involved in the crowd sourced follow up book Business Model You (spot my photo in the contributors section!). More recently I have been using the template from the book Value Proposition Generation, for work around account planning and product / service innovation.
Overall using canvasses is a good thing, but they do have their downsides:

Since working with these, I have seen quite a few different canvas variations pop up. Here is a non definitive list of canvasses I have come across.
PLEASE NOTE: I am curating these canvases into a single location, but do not hold the copyright – For further use of the images / canvases, please read the license that goes with them. Most are Creative Commons non-commercial / share alike – but please check and respect the intellectual property!
Be aware that some links may now be dead as it is a while since I created this. If you note any, please leave a message and I will try and find the latest version. Want to head to canvases 51 to 100? Click HERE. 101 onwards can be found HERE.
1 – Business Model Canvas
Developed with an eye to adapt or create new business models, this is the .canvas that started off the canvas craze. Further information cane found HERE. Large PDF can be found HERE.

Michael LaChapelle has done a really excellent mini course on the Business Model Canvas. You can find it HERE.
2 – Value Proposition
The follow on idea from the original canvas, focused on developing a specific product / service for a customer segment. For further background information, visit HERE. Large PDF version the-value-proposition-canvas.

3 – Social Business Model
A nice variation of the Business Model Canvas. For more information, visit HERE. (Larger version HERE).
4 – Mission Model
Developed to consider the planning for non profit organisations. Large PDF version HERE.
5 – The Start UP
Developed to start sketching initial ideas for a business idea.
6 – Lean
A simple one page business plan on a page (Large version HERE). For more background visit HERE.
7 – Team
A canvas to help teams clarify what their purpose is and to support new team members getting up to speed. (Large version HERE) For more background, visit HERE.

8 – Project

A Project management tool that create a 1 page view of s project. Great for planning and keeping everyone updated and engaged. Large version HERE. For more background information, visit HERE.
9 – Event
Created to support the design and managing of events. For more background information, visit HERE.
10 – Customer Journey
Designed to map out how a customer interacts with a product / service.

Large version HERE.
11 – Product
As the title suggests, this one has been designed for innovating and managing product development. Large version HERE. For more background information, visit HERE.
12 – Internal Communication
Very similar to the original business model canvas. This is designed to help plan and manage and internal communication project. For a great overview and additional resources, please visit HERE. Larger version HERE.
13 – Empathic Negotiation
As the name suggests, this has been designed to create a more rounded planning process of negotiation planning and draws on th empathy map concept to prepare better.
14 – Service Innovation
This canvas developed by Design Thinkers Group, does exactly as its name suggests. You can find out more HERE on a slideshare deck. I have not found a clear .PDF yet of the original:
15 – Open Innovation
Another innovation canvas, this time splitting the vide from internal to external. For more background information, visit HERE.
16 – Culture
Developed to reflect and plan a culture that allows for amazing customer service. For more background information, visit HERE.
17 – Personal Leadership
An canvas to guide seld reflection and plan ones approach to leadership. A larger version can be found HERE. For more background information, visit HERE.
18 – Strategic change
As the name suggests, a simple planning tool to develop effective change developed by Jason Little. For more background information, visit HERE. For large PDF. click HERE.
19 – Meeting facilitation
A simple canvas for structuring and managing meetings. For more background information, visit HERE. For a larger version, click HERE.
20 – OS
The OS canvas was designed to support organisational designers create a holistic view of how they want to transform or create new organisations. It can be used at a team, departmental or divisional level. For further information, visit HERE. For a large version of the canvas, click HERE.

21 – Lean UX
Shared with me by Nick Brown (Agile lead at PwC: Twitter @NBrown02 ) This canvas helps define the User Experience. For more information visit HERE. For a large .PDF click HERE.

22 – Opportunity
Another canvas resource from Nick Brown. This one looks excellent for scoping out an issue / opportunity. Further information can be found HERE. Editable .ppt HERE.
23 – Operating Model
The objective of this canvas is to capture ideas about how to design operations and an organization that will deliver a value proposition to a target customer or beneficiary. For further information visit HERE. A blog on this canvas can be found HERE.
24 – Corporate Rebel
Designed to help organisations rethink not just what they do, but also HOW they do it. A tool to think through and experiment with being. For more information, visit the authors HERE. Spotted via Helen Bevan on Twitter.
25 – The CV/Résumé
Developed by Jaz Blakeston-Petch, this canvas helps you plan and develop your CV or Résumé. To download visit HERE.
26 – Strategy Execution
A nice and clear canvas by Jeroen de Flander to aid the execution of business strategies. Download this great resource for more information.
27 – Practical Business Design
Thushan Kumaraswamy (LinkedIn profile) has created the Practical Business Design Canvas, which links strategy, change, business and operating models together. The canvas and supporting resources can be found at http://practicalbusinessdesign.com. There you will find a blank canvas, a worked example and a user guide.
28 – Workshop Preparation
Toby Sinclair has developed a canvas that supports facilitators and organisers of meetings to prepare a more effective workshop. The Canvas helps the preparation by working through six essential Ps. To find out more about the canvas, visit his website HERE. You can download a PDF of the canvas HERE.
29 – Strategic Canvas supporting tools
Thanks to Sharon Dale for sharing this with me. Whilst the initial canvas (#18) was on my radar, I had not seen the supporting tools. I am unsure if they really are a form of canvas, or just a 2 x 2 / planning board. See HERE for more information on the whole collection by Jason Little. Would love to get your views! The first is a canvas to plot improvement ideas. The text that is on the canvas is fairly self explanatory (full pdf HERE) :
The second is a a canvas to plot and track how ideas or “experiments” are moving through the ideas to delivery pipeline. (full pdf HERE):
30 – The Branding
A nice canvas for creating a unified message around an organisation brand. Developed by BigName . For further information and downloadable versions visit HERE.
A personal branding version also exists. Resources around that can be found HERE.
31 Lean Procurement
Developed by Mirko Kleiner, This canvas takes the Lean and Agile approach and applies it into the procurement process. A full explanation and supporting resources can be found HERE.
32 – Innovators
An interesting canvas developed by Jake Nielson, it combines a few other the other canvas ideas to provide platform to experiment and define a working business model. A thorough overview and excellent resources can be found HERE.
33 – Engagement
I found this whilst recently reading “Agile Engagement” by Santiago Jaramillo & Todd Richardson. The book is a solid read on understanding how to engage in the 21st Century. For more information on the canvas, simply by the book. (the website for Santiago’s company was down when I wrote this).
34 – Collaborative Engagement
Designed by PubliVate to help the development of projects that create multi-stakeholder engagement, the tools provides a good basis for planning the process. Bryce Colenbrander provides a PDF version and an overview over on THIS Medium post
35 – Great Team Canvas (TRIBE Canvas)
Another variation of canvas for developing and creating team clarity. This one is by Will Thomas of Great Teams Academy. For further information on the Canvas, visit the website HERE.
36 – Business Approach & Structure Elements Board
This canvas from Ja-Nae Duane and Steven Fisher is an evolved business model canvas that adds more depth to the idea creation. To read more, visit HERE. To download a PDF worksheet visit HERE.
37 – Event Storyboard
Created by Martijn Timmermans, this canvas was initially created to design events. Since then iit has been applied to design customer journeys and for many other challenges teams face. In order to access the blank template and a comprehensive guide you need to register HERE.
38 Co.Starters
Based on the original Business Model Canvas, this version designed by The Skillery, was adapted to focus on entrepreneurship. For further information, including a large blanks PDF file visit HERE.

39 – The Lean Communications Framework Canvases
Developed by Lyndon Johnson to reinvent PR, marketing and publicity for startups & small businesses by making it affordable, accessible, transparent & measurable. They are a series of four interconnected canvases. An original description for all of these can be found HERE. Large PDF templates for all four can be found HERE. Thanks to Jack Martin Leith for bringing these to may attention.
1 – Lean relationship mapping canvas: In affect a stakeholder mapping tool to map desired state of relationship required for change.
2 – Lean Public Relationship Canvas: Pretty self explanatory
3 – Product Marketing Fit Canvas: Pretty self explanatory
4 – Lean publicity canvas: Pretty self explanatory
40 – Project
The second project canvas in the collection (see number 8). This has been developed by Bedenk, an innovation consultancy out of Belgium. This canvas helps you plan the front end of a project. You can read more about it AND download a large scale .pdf file HERE (you are required to give name / email). Thanks to Greg Payne for sharing this with me via Twitter.
41 – Ways of working
The ways of working canvas, developed by design consultancy Xplane, is in effect a “team charter”, developed to help set up or kickstart old teams to greater levels of performance. This ties in quite well with a few other canvases on this page. For further information and a large .pdf version of the file visit HERE (once again email, name and additional details required). Thanks to Greg Payne for also sharing this with me via Twitter.
42 – Story
Developed by author Denise Withers, this canvas can be used in a number of ways. Two primary ones are to capture, map out and make sense of existing stories / experiences AND to develop new stories to support the creation of new ideas into products, services, experiences, strategies – even stories. In effect this canvas is a tool for innovation. This canvas can help you create an engaging way of influencing key stakeholders for your ideas. For more information on the canvas and the book “Story Design” visit HERE. I would definitely recommend reading the blog posts around the book HERE.
43 – MELT
The MELT Frame canvas was created by Miikka Leinonen to support strategy and innovation development. What I find interesting about this is the connection of physical and non physical assets / resources. For further information visit HERE. For a PDF of the canvas visit HERE. This brief video walks through it:
44 – Life Model
The Life Model Canvas by Ayori Selassie is a simple self coaching tool to consider your values and purpose. The template is pretty self explanatory. You can download it from HERE. For more supporting resources visit HERE.
45 – Pitch
As the name suggests, this canvas helps you plan and prepare for a pitch. Developed by David Beckett with visuals from visual practitioner Birgit Smit. For a large .pdf version of the canvass click HERE. For more information on David and his pitching work, head over to his website HERE.
46 – Semantic Environment
Developed by Jorge Arango, this particular canvas, focused on communication, will help you understand the language, rules, and power dynamics that make it possible for people to accomplish their purposes in particular situations—or potentially hinder them from doing so. For a really good explanation visit HERE. For a large blank canvas visit HERE. Thanks to Jack Martin Leith for bringing this to my attention over on Twitter.
47 – Data Ethics
Developed by the Open Data Institute, this canvas helps organisations this through the use and management of Data. To understand more about the rational of the canvas see HERE. For the latest version visit HERE. Thanks again to Jack Martin Leith for bringing this to my attention over on Twitter.
48 – Ethics
The Ethics Canvas from the Adapt Centre has been developed to encourage educators, entrepreneurs, engineers and designers to engage with ethics in their research and innovation projects.For more information on the canvas and access to an online editable version, visit HERE. A large PDF can be downloaded HERE.
49 – Enterprise
Developed by Tom Graves, this canvas maps organisations as a series of services. For a four page overview of the canvas and the excellent extensions visit HERE. THIS link takes you to all of the blog posts about the canvas. Information on the supporting book can be found HERE.
50 – Value Chain (Wardley)
Developed by Simon Wardley, with visual support from Benjamin Mosior, this canvas maps out value chains. For a really solid overview visit HERE. Visit HERE over on Medium for the 18 chapters on Wardley’s thoughts on mapping. I really enjoyed Benjamin’s post on the mapping experience. Map Camp is a community of visual mappers that may be worth a peek at.
CANVASES from 50 onwards can be found HERE.
Do you know of or have you created a canvas that I should add to this summary? If so, please reach out!
Thanks for reading this blog post!