



Proprietary enterprise architecture frameworks

  • ASSIMPLER Framework – an architecture framework based on Mandar Vanarse’s project at Wipro in 2002
  • Avancier Methods (AM) – documentation and processes methods for enterprise and solution architects, aided by certification and training
  • CLEAR Framework for Enterprise Architecture – the enterprise architecture framework of Atos Origin
  • Gartner Enterprise Architecture Framework – a practical, solution-minded/process-oriented framework developed by Gartner in 2005
  • Information FrameWork (IFW) – invented by Roger Evernden in 1996
  • Integrated Architecture Framework (IAF) – Capgemini’s enterprise architecture framework from 1993
  • OBASHI – the methodology framework of OBASHI Business & IT
  • SAP’s Enterprise Architecture Framework
  • Solution Architecting Mechanism (SAM) – a clear architecture framework including of a group of integral modules
  • Zachman Framework – an architecture framework built by IBM’s John Zachman in the 1980s 

Open-source enterprise architecture frameworks

  • GOD – a generalist observation methodology, contains an enterprise architecture framework based an innovative certified approach and on observation, from the SDFL Department of DUJ
  • LEAD Frameworks – LEAD stands for Layered Enterprise Architecture Development. It is the only open-source, community-based EA framework based on international standards in use today. LEAD includes frameworks, methods, and approaches that are integrated with each other and with maps, models, and matrices
  • MEGAF – an infrastructure for visualizing architecture frameworks that comply with the definition of architecture framework as stated in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
  • Praxeme – an open enterprise methodology, includes an enterprise architecture framework named the Enterprise System Topology (EST)
  • SABSA – an open methodology and framework for Service Management and Enterprise Security Architecture. It is based on risk, and it focuses on integration of security into IT and business management
  • TRAK – a framework that is systems oriented and based on MODAF 1.2. It was released under GPL/GFDL

Group-developed enterprise architecture frameworks

  • ARCON (Architecture Framework for Collaborative Networks) – not based on a single enterprise but on networks of enterprises
  • Dragon1 – A visual enterprise architecture method recognized by The Open Group as an enterprise architecture framework
  • EABOK (The Guide to the Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge) – a U.S. federal-backed guide to enterprise architecture in the context of legal, tactical, and strategic business needs
  • Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM)
  • Good-enough architecture methodology – an architectural methodology based on results, experiences, and best practices collected through actual implementations of building blocks that provide an actualizable architecture and real-world solutions.
  • IDEAS Group – an international effort to create a common framework and ontological system for interoperability within architecture
  • RM-ODP – the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (ITU-T Rec. X.901-X.904 | ISO/IEC 10746) – an enterprise architecture framework for building the requirements of open-distributed systems
  • TOGAF – The Open Group Architecture Framework – a common framework consisting of an architectural Development Method and rules for defining several kinds of architecture

Government enterprise architecture frameworks

  • Government Enterprise Architecture (GEA) – a standard framework legalized by Queensland Government departments
  • FDIC Enterprise Architecture Framework
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) – an architectural framework devised in 1999 by the US Federal CIO Council for practical use within the US Government
  • NIST Enterprise Architecture Model
  • Nederlandse Overheid Referentie Architectuur (NORA) – an architectural reference framework by the Dutch Government.
  • Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF) – a treasury framework, produced by the US Department of the Treasury, July 2000
  • The LEAD Architecture Framework for Government

Defense industry enterprise architecture frameworks

  • AGATE – the France DGA Architecture Framework
  • DoDAF – the US Department of Defense Architecture Framework
  • DNDAF – the DND/CF Architecture Framework (CAN)
  • The LEAD Architecture Framework for Defense
  • MODAF – the UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework
  • NAF – the NATO Architecture Framework
